If you’re looking for a high-performance, value for money automatic sander then Dewalt D26451K is one option that you just can’t ignore. With over 400 raving reviews, you can’t go wrong with this one.
The Dewalt D26451K operates on a powerful 3 Ampere motor which can go up to 12,000 RPM to give a smooth finish.
You can control the rotation speed of the sanding pads depending on how smooth you want the surface to be and how much area you are working on. For instance, you can use the lowest speed settings for small nooks and corners and the highest one for large, rough surfaces.
The device comes with a dust collection bag which does quite a good job of collecting the sawdust that is sanded off given its high collection capacity. You can also hook up the machine to an external dust collection facility using an integrated vacuum adapter.
The machine’s ergonomic design and low vibration make it very comfortable to hold and use. Also, its high power motor and dust resistant parts make it a durable tool to own.
Dewalt is so confident of the quality of machines they manufacture that they provide consumers with one of the best warranty deals in the market. The Dewalt D26451K sander comes with a no-questions-asked money back policy valid for 90 days.
The power switch for this sander is a little too small for comfort. It is covered by a plastic layer to protect it from dust, and this makes it harder to access and use. Sometimes it does not get pushed all the way in or does not come out fully.
You have to make sure the switch has indeed come out when you turn off the machine. Else it could just spring into action unexpectedly. The sanding pads this machine uses are a little costly compared to the same part for other Sanders.
Also, it comes packed in a cloth bag without any internal compartments. In fact, the bag is just like a grocery bag you get at supermarkets. So you have to be a little careful while storing or carrying the machine and ensure that it does not get bumped around to prevent unnecessary damages.